Monday, July 20, 2015

OSFX 20150720

5x5 front squat @ 70-80%

Partners, 2 rounds, max reps in 2 min at each station:
* ring dips
* toes to bar
* row (cals)
* partner med ball toss
* rest

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

OSFX 20150715

Clean Complex, EMOM 10min:
* power clean, hang clean, jerk @ 65-75%

4 rounds, for time:
* 4x dead lift 225/135
* 10x burpees
* 10x box jump overs

Monday, July 13, 2015

OSFX 20150713

For time (35 min cap):

* 80 squats
* 70 push ups
* 60 lunges
* 50 cal row
* 40 wall balls
* 30 handstand pushups
* 20 thrusters (25/15# kettle bells each hand)
* 10 pull ups

Monday, July 6, 2015

OSFX 20150706

42-30-18, for time:

* wall ball 20/15#
* sumo deadlift high pull, 75/55#
* box jump
* push press, 75/55#
* calorie row

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

OSFX 20150601

EMOM for 10min:
* 2 cleans 70-80%
* 1 clean and jerk 70-80%

3-6-9-12-15^ for time:
* burpees
* thrusters

^ between each round:
* 20 double unders